The Big Escape time to go

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Southwest is done

We've completed our mini-tour of the US Southwest - not much of a tour really, just a few towns in New Mexico and Arizona. We went back to Bisbee - the old mining town south of Tucson where we lived five years ago. It's still an artsy hippy community, maybe going a bit commercial. It's still not the place that I would choose to live - but an interesting place to visit. We took a mine tour deep into the mountain. It's a constant 47F (15.5C) inside the tunnels. Outside it's blazing hot.

The highlight for me (and the kids) would have to be mouse-cat-dog. There was a guy at the Bisbee markets who had trained a mouse to ride on a cat's back who in turn was riding on a dog's back. The moral of the story being that if these mortal enemies could get along - why can't we? He charged a dollar for a photo - so not totally altruistic motives.

After Bisbee - we spent some time with my Folks in Las Cruces, New Mexico - with a side trip up to the Gila cliff dwellings, near Silver City. We were able to leave Sophia and Sage with my parents and go off overnight for that. My feelings after this leg of the trip. Hot, dusty, pumped full of good heavy Mexican food. Ready for a bit of coolness. So - nice that we are off to Alaska!


  • It's the new bearded me. You know - it's unnatural for us to shave our faces. In Africa they put hoops around their necks, or extend their lips. In Japan they shaved their pates. Not sure what a pate is ... anyway I'm being true to mamallian traits.

    By Blogger blhouston, at 9:30 AM  

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